We don't want you

to be lonely at the top

So we deliver counseling, coaching, training and support for you as an entrepreneur, leader, manager or you as you.

At Insight Information, we know life can sometimes be lonely (at the top). We will help you as an entrepreneur, a leader, a manager, or in any other role in life, such as parent, student, partner. We will help you to reach your goals and reach them faster and more easily. We address you as a person first and foremost. To do so we use our experience. And that tells us:

Being a problem solver yourself, means that when you cannot solve a problem, something must be wrong with the problem.

To solve it, we use this datum: the truth will set you free but first, it pisses you off.

We also use just plain English and common sense.

Anything true is simple, isn’t it?

We help you

As a business owner, leader, manager or in any other role, you want yourself and the members of your team
(company, family, department) to be successful. This is all about leadership.

Leadership isn’t something fancy or esoteric. It is just the opposite of covering your ass.
It means: to take your responsibility. Before you can do this, you need to know and understand your responsibility
and to be willing to take your responsibility.

You as an entrepreneur

As a business owner you are responsible for the long-term planning of the company.

You like to talk to someone who knows what it feels like.

Not a smart … consultant but a conversational partner that has been there, done that.

You as a leader

As a leader you are responsible to translate the strategy of the company owner(s) into realistic mid-term plans. You are a member of the board or a member of a management team.

You can benefit from conversations with experienced coaches and also from reading an excellent book and the occasional training or knowledge session

You as a manager

As a manager you are responsible for the operational activities of your team or department. You have enough experience in the industry to know what your people should be capable of.

You benefit most from support by someone who knows the drill and from reading excellent books, training and knowledge sessions.

You as you

As you, you are responsible for the role you have in your life. This role can be business owner, leader or manager, but also (and maybe even more important to you): parent, son, partner, co-shareholder, friend, etc. You want to talk to an experienced person, and you might benefit from some extra knowledge from a course or a book.

What we deliver

Counselling & Coaching

Coaching & Training

Training & Support

Personal development

Enter any storm smiling

What we want you to win

The main benefits of Insight Information’s approach are

Who we are and what we stand for

Run of the mill?

We are sure that many other coaches, consultants, and trainers have read more books than we have. They may have also taken far more courses on the subjects they offer their services in than we have. But we did something else in the meantime.

Our T-shirt!

One talk can change

your walk